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来源:http://nj.zhongkao.com/e/20130813/5209e18d36361.shtml    作者:http://files.eduuu.com/ohr/2012/05/17/142311_4fb4994fde84b.zip    2012-05-17 14:24:48


  • 南京市鼓楼区2012年初三一模







    第I卷  选择题(共45分)



    1. Jeremy Lin, ________NBA star, used to be ______ unknown player in New York


      A. a; a           B. an; an               C. an; a            D. a; an

    2. Li Feng’s __________ of devotion to others will be remembered not only in China

      but also in some other parts of the world.

      A. achievement    B. service                  C. thought          D. spirit

    3. Simon doesn’t like peanuts, and he eats very _________ of them.

      A. some           B. any                  C. few              D. little

    4. —Pardon? I didn’t catch what you said.

       —I say the lowest price of the new iPad in the USA is _________ dollars.

      A. four hundreds and ninety-nine              B. four hundred and ninety-nine 

      C. four hundred ninety-nine               D. four hundreds ninety-nine

    5. —The dish doesn’t taste as _______ as it used to be. It’s too salty.

       —Sorry, sir. Maybe the cook put a little more salt.

       A. terrible         B. terribly             C. good             D. well

    6. —Please come and cheer for our team tonight. ________your support, we’ll win

        the game.

       —Sure. Good luck to you.

    A. Without          B. With             C. Within           D. Under

    7. —How do you like this one?

       —It is a nice digital camera, ________ a little expensive.

       A. as                B. since            C. though           D. unless

    8. —Linda, please _________ how to get there and the cost of the trip.

       —All right. I’ll make it at once.

       A. work out          B. find out         C. give out         D. put out

    9. —Mrs White, why are you standing here?

       —I’m waiting for my son. He ___________ back from school.

       A. didn’t come      B. won’t come      C. hasn’t come     D. hadn’t come

    10. —The 2012 Nanjing International Plum Blossom Festival opened yesterday.   

         Would you like to go with me tomorrow morning?

        —Of course I would. It _________ be fun.

       A. can               B. may              C. should           D. must    

    11. —________________?

        —No, I don’t. I don’t like fights in them.

    A. Do you like romantic films?  

    B. You don’t like action films, do you?

    C. Do you like romantic films or action films?  

    D. Why don’t you like action films?

    12. —What’re you doing, Jack?

    —I’m looking for some information about famous people ______ I need to make   

      a poster.

    A. who                  B. what         C. whom             D. which

    13. —Doctor, I want to know ________________.

        —Three times a day after meals.

    A. how many times do I take my temperature  B. how often I take my medicine

    C. how I do some exercise                  D. when do I wash my hands

    14. —Sandy, it’s really grateful for your help with my physics.

        —My pleasure. ____________.

       A. Many hands make light work           B. It was better to be safe than sorry

       C. The early bird catches the worm          D. That’s what friends are for

    15. —Can you tell me how to use a micro blog on my phone?

        —_________. But I have to finish my work first

        A. No problem           B. No way       C. Forget it   D. Don’t mention it



    Dad is a liar(说谎者) certainly. He never tells the truth about anything bad, or anything that he thinks is bad to me, even though I’ve told him that I don’t    16      hearing these things.

    He’s the     17   man I have ever met, who never hurts others, as well as the cruelest man, for he’s always hard on himself. Every time I phoned home from college and asked Dad how his   18    was getting on, he would always reply, “Oh, couldn’t be better!” When I asked my mum the same question on the phone,    19  , she honestly told me every    20    with Dad’s business. I didn’t blame Dad for his    21  . Instead I showed concern for him.

    Dad is a miser(吝啬鬼), undoubtedly. I hardly see Dad wear   22    clothes. In fact , his closet is half empty. Even in this half, two-thirds is occupied by Mum’s clothes and the other one-third     23   him. I begged him to buy some new clothes, but he simply shook his head, “The old clothes are still good enough.” Were they ? I saw holes in them!

    It tore my heart up when I saw Dad cough terribly with his hand covering his mouth. When the pains became very serious, he   24    took some medicine.

    So it surprised    25    when the day came that Dad got sick. He was lying in bed, and all the family gathered around him. I knelt by his bedside , tears filling my eyes.

    Dear Dad, you’ve been pushing yourself too hard, which you should not have. I know I might as well expect a river to flow backward as hope to take you out of working so hard.


    16. A. mind

    B. suggest

    C. enjoy

    D. allow


    17. A. cleverest

    B. strongest

    C. biggest

    D. kindest

    18. A. health

    B. experiment

    C. business

    D. treatment


    19. A. also

    B. anyway 

    C. therefore 

    D. however


    20. A. change                     

    B. difference   

    C. decision

    D. problem


    21. A.  lies                      

    B. opinions

    C. purposes

    D. excuses


    22. A. cheap

    B. new

    C. clean

    D. old


    23. A. leads to

    B. belongs to

    C. replies to

    D. returns to


    24. A. still

    B. even

    C. only 

    D. ever


    25. A. somebody                  

    B. nobody

    C. anybody

    D. everybody






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    26.If the Greens and their 10-year-old son go rafting and visit the Li Minority Village, they should pay            .

     A. RMB 1200       B. RMB 1125      C. RMB 1500      D. RMB 950

    27. If you want to have a half-day tour, which can you choose?

      A. The End of the Earth            B. Monkey Island

    C. Li Minority Village                 D. Deep Sea Fishing


    In the US, people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don’t know. If you are sitting at a table with people you don’t know, it is impolite to light up a cigarette without asking if it will disturb them.

    At American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served tap water (自来水) before you order. You may find the bread and butter is free, and if you order coffee, you may get a free refill(续杯).

    Most cities and towns have no rules about opening and closing time for stores or restaurants, though they usually do make rules for bars. Especially in large cities, stores may be open 24 hours a day.

    Serving(一份) in restaurants is often large, too large for many people. If you can’t finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later, ask your waitress or waiter for a “doggie bag”. It may have a picture of a dog on it, but everybody knows you’re taking the food for yourself.

    Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal. Some people have “Sunday dinner”. This is an especially big noon meal.

    Tips are not usually added to the check. They are not included in the price of the meal, either. A tip of about 15% is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave. In some restaurants, a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there. Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change.

    28. Which statement is true?

    A. American people like sitting with people they don’t know.

    B. You may find bread and coffee is free.

    C. American people never sit with people they don’t know.

    D. American people won’t light a cigarette if the people who sit at the same table mind their smoking.

    29. What do American people always do when servings are too large for them?

    A. They take the food home with a “doggie bag” for their dogs.

    B. They leave the food on the table and go away.

    C. They take the food home with a “doggie bag” and enjoy the food later.

    D. They ask the waitress or waiter to keep the food for them.

    30. What can you learn about “tips” according to the passage?

    A. Customers often add tips to their check.  

    B. Tips are supposed to be left on the table when customers leave.

    C. People don’t need to pay tips .     

    D. The price of the meal usually includes the tip.


    Have you ever wondered?

    1. Why do airplanes take longer to fly west than east?

    It can take five hours to go west-east from New York (NY) to London but seven hours to travel east-west from London to NY. The reason for the difference is an atmospheric phenomenon (大气现象) known as the jet stream (气流). The jet stream is a very high altitude (= above sea level) wind which always blows from the west to the east across the Atlantic. So the planes moving at a constant air speed go faster from the west to the east when they are moving with the wind than in the opposite.

    1. What would happen if the gravity on Earth was suddenly turned off?

    Supposing we could magically turn off gravity. Would buildings and other buildings float away? What happened would depend on (依靠) how strongly the things were attached (吸附) to the earth. The earth is moving at quite a speed, moving at over a thousand miles per hour. If you turn something around your head on a string, it goes around in a circle until you let go of the string. Then it flies off in a straight line. ‘Turning off’ gravity would be like letting go of the string. Things not attached to the earth would fly off in a straight line. People in buildings would suddenly shoot upwards at a great speed until they hit the ceiling (= top surface of a room). Most things outside would fly off into space.

    31. What information can we get from the first passage?

    A. It is the jet stream that affects how fast airplanes fly.

    B. Planes go slower when they are moving with the wind.

    C. It takes more time to fly from NY to London than from London to NY.

    D. The jet stream always blows from the east to the west across the Atlantic.

    32. The underlined word “shoot” in the 2nd paragraph means “_________”.

    A. send for      B. move quickly     C. come out          D. grow quickly

    33. It can be known that without gravity _________.

    A. buildings and other structures would float away

    B. trees and buildings would not so easily fly off

    C. something around your head would not float away

    D. everything outside buildings would fly off into space

    34. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

       A. It takes seven hours to travel from London to New York.

       B. The earth is moving at a high speed.

       C. Things on the earth will float away if there’s no gravity.

       D. Things not attached to the earth would fly off in a straight line.

    35. Where can we read this passage?

    A. In a research paper.                  B. In a short story.

    C. In a travel magazine.                D. In a student’s book


    College students often hear about the “freshman fifteen”. What does it mean? You may wonder.It means the fifteen pounds, or about seven kilograms students might gain(获得) in their first year of college.

    Many young men and women put on extra weight when they start college. Some

    schools have studied it. Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, has found that freshmen gain an average of four pounds during their first twelve weeks. That is almost two kilograms. If weight gain continues at this rate(比率), how long before they put on fifteen pounds? The answer is forty-five weeks, or almost a year.

    And why do so many freshmen gain weight? The answers listed by experts are not so surprising. The freshmen gain weight because it’s the first time for college kids to enjoy complete control over their lives. They may choose to eat and drink whatever they want, whenever they want. For example, college students often eat foods high in fat. After all, there are no parents around to say no to junk food. Students may also miss meals. They could be in class or studying or just … busy. Also, freshmen often use food to relax their mind, they will overeat when they have food as they have college pressures to deal with.

    Thismay be short-lived(短暂的), but the weight gain should not be overlooked(忽视). Remember: It requires more effort to lose those pounds than to simply not gain them in the beginning. Or even worse, they may carry the extra weight around for years.

    36. What does the “freshman fifteen” mean?

       A. The first fifteen days at college.               

    B. The freedom first-year college students enjoy.

       C. The fifteen pounds first-year college students gain.

       D. The fifteen pounds first-year college students lose.

    37. Some freshmen oftenovereat to             .

       A. give themselves more energy        

       B. gain extra weight

       C. taste junk food                        D. take pressures off their mind

    38. How many reasons are given in Paragraph 4 for students’ weight gain?

       A. One.          B. Two.               C. Four.         D. Five.

    39. What does the pronoun “This” in the last paragraph refer to(所指) ?

       A. Weight.       B. Freshman fifteen.   C. Pressure.     D. Overeating.

    40. We can infer from the last paragraph that ______.

       A. “freshman fifteen” may have long-term effect on college students

       B. weight gain is nothing serious for freshmen

       C. “freshman fifteen” is not a common problem

       D. “freshman fifteen” is a problem hard to prevent


    Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One night I went to pick up a passenger at 2:30 AM. When I arrived to collect, I found the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window.

    I walked to the door and knocked, “Just a minute,” answered a weak, elderly voice.

    After a long time, the door opened. A small woman in her eighties stood before me. By her side was a small suitcase.

    I took the suitcase to the car, and then returned to help the woman. She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the car.

    She kept thanking me for my kindness. “It’s nothing,” I told her. “I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated.”

    “Oh, you’re such a good man.” She said. When we got into the taxi, she gave me an address, and then asked, “Could you drive through downtown?”

    “It’s not the shortest way,” I answered quickly.

    “Oh, I’m in no hurry,” she said. “I’m on my way to a hospice (临终医院). I don’t have any family left. The doctor says I don’t have very long.”

    I quietly reached over and shut off the meter (计价器). For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she had lived, and the furniture shop that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.

    Sometimes she’d ask me to slow down in front of a particular building and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.

    At dawn, she suddenly said,” I’m tired. Let’s go now.” We drove in silence to the address she had given me.

    “How much do I owe you?” she asked.

    “Nothing.” I said.

    “You have to make a living,” she answered. “Oh, there are other passengers,” I answered.

    Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She held onto me tightly. Our hug ended with her remark, “You gave an old woman a little moment of joy.”

    41. The old woman chose to ride through the city in order to ________.

    A. show she was familiar with the city        

    B. see some places for the last time

    C. let the driver earn more money             

    D. reach the destination on time

    42. The taxi driver did not charge the old woman because he ________.

    A. wanted to give her a hand              

    B. shut off the meter by mistake

    C. had received her payment ahead of time     

    D. was in a hurry to take other passengers

    43. According to the underlined sentence, the old woman did so because________.

    A. she was tired                         

    B. she may be lost in her memories

    C. she was frightened                      

    D. she was excited

    44.What’s the correct order of the following events?

    a. We drove in silence to the address she had given me.

       b. The door opened and a small woman stood before me.

       c. She showed me the building where she had once worked.

       d. I found the building was dark except for a single light.

       e. She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the car.

      A. b,c,a,d,e         B. a,c,b,e,d        C. a,c,e,d,b         D.d,b,e,c,a

    45. What can we learn from the story?

    A. Giving is always a pleasure.             

    B. People should respect each other.

    C. An act of kindness can bring people great joy.

    D. People should learn to appreciate others’ concern.


    第II 卷 非选择题 (共51分)


    A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。

    46. —Who is the director of The Flowers of ________(战争)?

       —I know it’s Zhang Yimou. By the way, it was filmed in Nanjing.

    47. The police arrested the young man because he did something _____(违反)the law.

    48. —Joe, do you know what PM2.5 means?

    —Not exactly. A professor will give us a talk on environmental protection. I think 

      he will _________(解释) it to us.

    49. Is that Miss Lee? She is much _________(苗条) than before.

    50. How_________(容易) you’ll find it to use this mobile phone if you read its instructions carefully!

    B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

    51. —What a pity. Nanjing West Railway Station has been closed since last month.

    —Don’t be sad. It’ reported that it ______(change) into a museum in the future.

    52. —Tim is very naughty and he likes drawing pictures on his ______(neighbour)   


    —So he is. His mother often says sorry to him.

    53. Giant pandas live on bamboo shoots and ___________(leaf) now. However, they used to eat meat.

    54. Our head teacher warned us _________(not fly) kites near power lines in spring.

    55. It’s _______(possible) for you to pass this exam unless you keep a balance between play and study from now on.

    56. The light bulb that Thomas Alva Edison invented is still_______(wide) used now.


    learn from    share   faced lots of difficulties   with my own eyes    simple

    Do you know about “Red Tours”? The Communist Party of China (CPC,中国共产党) started in 1921. After that, the Party went to different places and grew strong. Today we call the places with CPC history “revolutionary bases (革命根据地)”. When people go to see these places, it is called a “Red Tour”.
        Two teenagers will _____57____ their “Red Tour” stories.

    ◇Lu Yuelin, 13, Jiangxi
    Last year, I went to the cemetery (陵园) where Fang Zhimin’s body is. Fang died in 1935. In the museum there, I saw his things and read his articles. In the 1920s and 1930s, Fang _____58______ and had to live a hard life. But he kept his beliefs. Today, many of us don’t know what a “hard life” is. We should____59_____ Fang Zhimin.

    ◇Li Dongdong, 15, Shaanxi
    I went to Yan’an two years ago. It was an important base for the CPC. I visited Zhou Enlai’s cave house. It has only a ___60_____ bed and an old desk. The Red Army had a hard life in Yan’an. I learned this in school, but on my trip, I saw it ____61______. Even though life was hard, they didn’t give up. They were amazing!


    A) 阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后第62~71小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。

    World Sleep Day, on 21st March, was created to bring attention to the growing number of sleep problems. Sleep is a natural part of human life, but many people in the modern world don’t realize it’s very important. As a result, sleep problems are quite common.

        In 2011, scientists at the University of Athens in Greece did a survey(调查) of over 35,000 people in 10 countries around the world, including China, Belgium and South Africa. Among the people, 24 percent said that they did not sleep well, 31.6 percent were diagnosed(诊断) with insomnia(失眠). In addition, 30.7 percent of them have visited doctors for help with sleep problems and 11.6 percent said that they felt very sleepy during the day.

       The survey found that many people suffer the effects of poor quality sleep, some examples can’t fall asleep and often wake up in the middle of the night. The main reasons of the problems are pressure(压力) from school or work and a fast pace(节奏) of life, but noise pollution and light pollution also affect sleep and cause poor quality sleep. The survey also found that large numbers of people find it hard to sleep at night. The short term effects of this are tiredness and trouble concentrating(专心). If this happens for a long time, the risk of gaining weight and having a heart attack may increase.

       There are many things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep. First, you should have regular sleep habits. Try to go to bed and wake up around the same time

    each day. You also need to make your bedroom a cool, dark, quiet place to sleep so that heat, light and noise do not disturb you. At night, you should also avoid things that contain caffeine, such as chocolate, coffee, tea and many soft drinks, as caffeine may keep you from sleeping.

       Getting a good night's sleep is important for everyone. By following the advice

     above, you can rest better at night and work better during the day.


    Have a good sleep

    World Sleep Day[来源:学科网]

    World Sleep Day was created to make people understand the

        62   of sleep.



    A survey by


    Of 35 000 people in 10 countries in the world, there were 24 percent of the people    63     they didn’t sleep well.

    31.6 percent were diagnosed with insomnia.

    30.7 percent have    64    to a doctor for sleep problems.

    11.6 percent of the people feel sleepy during the day .


       65    of sleep



    People feel the pressure from school or work .

    A fast pace of life     66     to sleep problems as well.

    Noise and light pollution also     67     sleep and cause poor quality sleep.


    Results of sleep problems

    Some people aren’t    68   to fall asleep and often wake up at night.

    Feeling    69   , people find it hard to concentrate.

    It’s highly possible that sleepless people easily gain weight and have a heart attack.

      70    to improve sleep quality

    Have regular sleep habits.

    Make your bedroom cool, dark and quiet

    Don’t drink anything    71    caffeine at bedtime.


    B) 根据短文内容和首字母提示,填写所缺单词。

    Whitney Houston was born on August 9, 1963 .As we all know, she was an American singer, a   72  , producer, and model. Houston is the most awarded woman artist of all time, according to Guinness(吉尼斯) World Records and she had won 415 awards by the year 2010.

    E   73   by her family members, Houston began singing with New Jersey church’s choir(唱诗班) at age 11. Later, she began performing with her mother in the New York City, she was d    74   by Clive Davis—head of the Arista Records.

    Houston won her first Grammy for “Saving All My Love for You,” her first No. 1 single, at the 1986 Grammy Awards. A few years later, she became one of the most popular singers in the world.

    Houston’s success in the music i   75   made her well-known, after that she

    e  76    the film world. In 1992, she starred in “The Bodyguard” with Kevin Costner. T  77    some people were not satisfied with Houston’s acting, the film was a great success, making more than $410 million worldwide. It also made “I Will Always Love You” one of her most popular songs — the song went on to win Grammy.

    In 1992, she married Bobby Brown—an R&B singer, the m   78   changed her behavior. She didn’t feel happy with her husband ,the c   79    often quarreled or even fought with each other and she began to take drugs(毒品).

    In 2007 she divorced(离婚) with her husband and lived with her daughter. In 2010,she started her world tour “Nothing but Love”.

    Houston passed a   80    on February 11, 2012. The cause of her death is still

    u   81    . People mourned the loss of her by collecting her albums and videos. Later this year her film “Sparkle” will be shown in cinemas .


        南京城西干道(West Road)的改造是我市城建的一件大事,请结合下表中的内容介绍一下该项工程。并针对施工导致的问题提出你的一点建议。


    • 语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。
    • 词数100左右。文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。


    Time spent on this project

    February, 2012 ~ December, 2013

    Things to do

    Pull down four overpasses

    Build three tunnels


    Improve conditions of transport

    Have a better environment


    Traffic jams




    The project of Nanjing West Road has been carried out.________________________



















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